Welcome to the 2024 MOvemBEARD Charity Facial Hair Competition!
We are back at the Hero’s Welcome and we want to see you there — so lock down the date, book time off, and get ready to put your furry face forward to raise money for our two charities of choice this year, Movember (ca.Movember.com) and PLEA Community Services Society of BC (www.plea.ca)
For this fundraising event, tickets will be $25 for competitors and $10 for spectators. EVERY PENNY OF OUR TICKET SALES go directly to our charities!
- Our venue this year is once again Hero’s Welcome, a community-focused pub that honours the venue’s former use as home to the ANAF 298 Taurus Unit (so please leave your hats at home) @heros.welcome http://heros-welcome.com
- For our out-of-town friends, we have partnered with the storied and famous 2400 Motel (you may recognize it from such shows as Supernatural, Psych, Bates Motel, Smallville, Stargate SG-1, and X-Files), who are generously offering a 15% discount when you use “VFHC” in the group code button. Book soon, this is a popular venue and cabins are limited! https://2400motel.com
- Join us for a chat a chew and a brew on Friday night for a meet n greet
- Wrap up the weekend with our hangover brunch on Sunday at The Tipper on Kingsway
Any questions so far? Message us, we’ll get back to you as soon as possible!
MOUSTACHE A moustache in all of its natural glory, or groomed to perfection. All hair growing from more than 1.5 cm past the corner of the mouth must be shaved. *Styling aids are optional.
PARTIAL BEARD Any natural or styled facial hair that does not qualify as a traditional moustache or beard, with shaved parts distinguishing it from a full beard with integrated moustache. Popular examples include the Goatee, Chops, Whaler, Donegal, Fu Manchu, and Musketeer. *Styling aids are permitted.
FULL BEARD UNDER 4” A natural beard with integrated moustache under 4 inches long, as measured from bottom of lower lip. *No styling aids permitted.*Acceptable styling methods include brushing, combing, conditioning, and shampooing.
FULL BEARD 4”-9″ A natural beard with integrated moustache between 4 – 9 inches long, as measured from bottom of lower lip. *No styling aids permitted.*Acceptable styling methods include brushing, combing, conditioning, and shampooing.
FULL BEARD Over 9″ A natural beard with integrated moustache over 9″ inches long, as measured from bottom of lower lip. *No styling aids permitted.* Acceptable styling methods include brushing, combing, conditioning, and shampooing.
STYLED STACHE & NATURAL BEARD A beard as described in any natural beard category, with a moustache that is distinct from the beard but not including hair growing from more than 1.5cm past the corner of the mouth. *Styling aids are permitted in the moustache only.
STYLED STACHE & GROOMED BEARD A beard as described in any natural beard category, with a moustache that is distinct from the beard but not including hair growing from more than 1.5cm past the corner of the mouth. *Styling aids are permitted in the moustache AND beard
FULL BEARD FREESTYLE The famous “anything goes” category! Judging emphasizes creativity and difficulty. *Styling aids are permitted in both the beard and moustache and competitors are encouraged to be as wild and imaginative as possible.*Acceptable styling aids are limited to wax, hair spray, and other hair cosmetics. The use of hair extensions, fake hair, detached hair, or any form of hair pins or supporting elements is prohibited.
WHISKERINA Open to those free of their own facial hair who want to create a realistic OR fantasy look. This is the category to break out your crafting skills — you can use anything and everything to construct your own beard &/or moustache. The creation must be able to hang freely from the face/head without manual assistance. Judging emphasizes realism for realistic beards, and creativity and difficulty for fantasy beards.
BUILD-A-BEARD A new “anything goes” category for those who CAN grow facial hair, and want to get crafty! Open to people who want to embellish their own beard, or to create something entirely new. This is the category to break out your crafting skills, with no restrictions on materials or styling aids. Judging emphasizes creativity and difficulty.