
Vancouver Facial Hair Club Bylaws

Article I: Name and Mission Statement

Section A: Name

The name of the club shall be the Vancouver Facial Hair Club, heretofore referred to as “the Club,” “Club,” or “VFHC.” The VFHC governing body shall be referred to as “the Council” or“Council.”

Section B: Mission Statement

The Vancouver Facial Hair Club was founded in January 2013, with the idea of creating a charitable social group to help promote a positive image for Facial Hair and to create a community for Facial Hair Growers, Builders, and Enthusiasts. We promote respect, inclusivity, and fellowship within the Facial Hair community.

We host monthly meetups for Members and nonmembers, and host an annual Facial Hair Competition to raise money for local charities, with a focus on Men’s mental health and well being, or other charitable organizations that directly address needs in the local community.

We are current members of the North American Charitable Beard and Moustache Alliance(NACBMA) and the World Beard and Moustache Association (WBMA).

Article II: Membership and Dues

Section A: Membership Eligibility for NACBMA / WBMA Status

1. Active Members: Membership is open to all facial hair enthusiasts who in the past 12months have: either attended 3 in person VFHC meetups OR attended 1 in person VFHC competition.

2. Inactive Members: all persons who have previously been VFHC Members but who do not currently meet Active Members criteria will be considered Inactive Members.

Section B: Dues

Dues shall be $20 per calendar year (Jan 1-Dec 31). Dues are not prorated.

Section C: Membership Benefits

An Active Member is eligible to vote at any General Meetings and to stand for any Council position(s) at that year’s VFHC Annual General Meeting.

Section D: Conduct of Members

Each Member shall conduct themselves in a respectful manner, to other Members and to the communities that we serve and support (see Article VI: Code of Conduct)

Article III: Meetings, Meetups, Special Events

Section A: Meetings

Monthly Council meetings will be held in person or via Zoom to discuss and vote on Club business, and are limited to Council Members. The time/date of monthly Meetings/Meetup will be posted on VFHC social media (Facebook and Instagram) no later than 21 days previous to Meeting/Meetup.Active Members may bring new business to the Council Meeting with a minimum 1 day advance notice.

Section B: Meetups

Monthly meetups will be held in person directly following the monthly in person Council meeting and are open to all Members and nonmembers.

Section C: Special Events

VFHC will host a minimum of one special event (Competition or otherwise) per year to raise funds for a charity of the Club’s choice. All Members and nonmembers are welcome to participate.

Section D: Annual General Meeting (AGM)

The VFHC shall host an Annual General Meeting (AGM), in person or via Zoom, no sooner than10 months after the previous AGM and no later than 14 months after.

The AGM is open to all members and nonmembers, but only Active Members can vote or run for Council positions.

The AGM date must be announced and publicized via social media no later than 30 days previous to the Meeting.

Section E: Quorum

A quorum for regular Council Meetings shall be 3 Council members.

Section F: Voting

All voting at Council Meetings or AGM requires a simple majority.

Any Active Member can give their proxy vote to another Active Member. Proxy must be given in writing (text, email, or message) prior to the start of the Meeting, and forwarded to another Council member for confirmation.

Article IV: Council

Section A: Officers

The VFHC Council consists of four elected positions (President, Vice President, Secretary, and Treasurer) and three appointed positions (Membership Secretary, Special Events Coordinator,and Social Media Coordinator.)

Section B: Eligibility

Any Active Member is eligible to vote and to stand for any Council position(s) at that year’sVFHC Annual General Meeting.

Section C: Election

Elected positions shall be voted for at the VFHC AGM. The newly elected Council can then select Active Members to fill appointed positions.

Section D: Term

Elected/Appointed Council Members shall serve for one year, from AGM to AGM.

Section E: Vacancy

If a vacancy occurs in the office of President, the Vice President shall assume the office for the remainder of the term. Vacancies in any other position shall be filled by Council appointment.

Article V: Duties of the Officers

Section A: President

  •  oversees and ensures effective functioning of the Board
  •  maintains focus of Council on mission, goals
  •  initiates projects, assigns, and delegates
  •  provides vision for the direction of the Club
  •  monitors projects progress
  •  chairs Council meetings
  •  votes only in case of tie
  •  is the default public spokesperson of the Club within the bearding community

Section B: Vice President

  •  key assistant to President, multidimensional role
  •  helps disseminate information to the Council
  •  takes initiative in helping President and other Council Members
  •  chairs Council meetings when the President is absent
  •  can act as public spokesperson for the Club as assigned by President

Section C: Secretary

  •  accurately records minutes of Council Meetings and AGM
  •  distributes minutes to Council Members
  •  keeps complete records, reports, and legal paperwork

Section D: Treasurer

  •  keeps accurate detailed records of expenditures
  •  provides guidelines for budget and spending
  •  provides monthly overview and year-end financial report for AGM
  •  ensures no receipts above $20 are reimbursed without Council approval

Section E: Membership Secretary

  •  answers inquiries, provides Membership information to the public
  •  maintains Membership list with accurate updated information

Section F: Special Events Coordinator

  •  heads the Special Events Committee
  •  proposes event ideas to the Council
  •  undertakes and oversees VFHC events

Section G: Social Media Coordinator

  •  creates regular VFHC posts for Facebook and Instagram
  •  forwards correspondence / inquiries to appropriate Council Member

Article VI: Code of Conduct

Section A: Member to Member

  • each Member will treat and be treated with respect, professionalism, and a considerate nature
  • harassment, discrimination, insults, disrespect, violence, or behaviour of a vulgar or exclusionary nature will not be tolerated and can result in Membership being revoked without reimbursement.
  • any Member who feels they have been treated with any of the above negative actions will report this action to a Council Member. This report will be brought to the Council via closed meeting and any actions that are decided upon by the Council will be carried out by the President of the Club, or the highest officer by rank.

Section B: Member to non club persons

  • Members of the community will treat and be treated with respect, professionalism, and a considerate nature
  • harassment, discrimination, insults, disrespect, violence, or behaviour of a vulgar or exclusionary nature will not be tolerated and can result in Membership being revoked without reimbursement.
  • should a Member be reported to have exhibited any of the above behaviour noted as not tolerated, the report will be bought to a Council Member. This report will be brought to the Council via closed meeting and any actions that are decided upon by the Council will be carried out by the President of the Club, or the highest officer by rank.